Monday, August 11, 2014

Meet Heather and Jessica!

Hi all! Happy Monday! I wanted to share a few more employee introductions with you today-

Heather and son

Jessica and daughter
*What does working at Starlight Stitches mean to you?

HeatherTo me, working at Starlight Stitches means that I'm able to help support my family doing something I love to do and have a talent for, without all of my pay going to childcare. It means knowing my son is being looked after by other mamas who share my parenting ideas so I never have to think, "what if?" It means if I'm at work and my son needs me, I'm there for him.

Jessica: Working at Starlight Stitches allows me to do something that I enjoy while my two year old daughter gets valuable interaction with peers in a school like setting.

*What is your creative method or medium of choice?

HeatherMy creative medium of choice is yarn. I love to crochet and am teaching myself how to knit. I dearly love to sew also, but I love the (almost) instant gratification of a finished product in just an hour or so.

Jessica: In my free time I enjoy DIY crafts. I like to sew things for my daughter, paint, crochet, knit, use my glue gun, and search pinterest for inspiration.

*What is your favorite thing about being a parent?

HeatherMy favorite thing about being a parent is definitely watching the developmental leaps and bounds that happen constantly. Even my older kids change and grow so much. Also, snuggles.

Jessica: I love being a Mom. I always new I wanted to be one and although it took a little longer than I had hoped I eventually became one. I love watching my daughter grow and seeing her personality emerge while seeing traits of her father and I here and there.

*What is your most embarrassing moment (that you're willing to admit to us)?

HeatherMy most embarrassing happened when I was 12, so I'm okay admitting it. I was walking to the bus stop and I had on little cowboy "booties." Remember those from the late 80's? Well, the bottoms were slick and I was kind of half dancing, half walking and I slipped and fell into a full split in the middle of the road. I fell HARD. I hurt parts I didn't know you could hurt. The bus stop exploded with laughter and I was mortified. My mom saw it happen so she let me stay home that day.

Jessica: I'm sure there have been many but I must have suppressed those memories because I can't think of one at the moment.

Thanks ladies!!

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